Sunday, September 19, 2010

18. Advertisement Research - Rock Magazines

My first magazine analysis was of 'Rock Sound'. It has the typical Rock genre look to it. The band on the front are all males with black, grey and white clothing on. The typical dark colours are used apart from a light blue background however it it still obvious to recognise what genre it is from. The facial expressions on the band members faces are the typical 'screamy' look towards the camera as though they are singing. The other mini headlines to the right also talk about other rock genre bands such as Good Charlotte. 'A day to remember' in the middle right to the page also gives of the rebellious, devilish look as it is in capitals and bold which is almost as if it is being screamed at the audience.

My second magazine advert is also from the Rock genre. It has alot of similar conventions as the magazine cover above however this time there is only one man in the centre on the front cover. The man is also wearing dark colours (like the band above) and has bright red hair which also represents the dark, devil, evil, sort of Rock look. He is staring directly at the camera with quite a blank expression but with his fingers pointed out as a gun to the audience which creates an uncomfortable, dangerous atmosphere for the audience. The bold magazine title 'Kerrang!' is bold and in capitals as though its being shouted at us again. This links in with the genre being 'screamy' and 'headbanging'.

This cover is also from the rock magazine 'Kerrang'. It is again similar and has a famous band as their main focus point (being 'Bring me the Horizon'. Again the typical black, grey and white colours are used. The band members all have long hair and serious faces. They have blood make-up on their faces which represents the death look literally and also the title 'Bring me the Horizon' is in bold capitals and in the colour red which is associated with the devil and evil. The black background and other mini adds that are in black and white also show the typical rock genre for the audience.


  1. Great amounts of detail, it shows you understand the genre and have analysed the magazine covers well - what might be useful is to say how you might use this in your product, or how it has influenced your work

  2. This is true. However none of these is an advertisement. The conventions of the front cover of a magazine are very different from those of an advertisement. The reason we get you to do this is because your ancillary task is to create a print advert for your artist, not a cover. You will need to re-do this entry I'm afraid.

  3. You've not redone this! That's a shame.
