Thursday, September 30, 2010

Technical Tutorials - Photoshop

In our technical tutorial on photoshop we had to create the front and back cover of a CD. The lesson before we took photos against a white back drop of people modelling for the cover. We used the white screen so that it would be easy to cut the background out and just have the main person when we would come to creating the cover. When we picked the photo we wanted to use we uploaded it to photoshop.
There are many tools we used on photoshop. The first tool i used was the magic wand and it cut away the white background of my photo so that Sam was the main image. I then used the paint bucket to make my whole background black on a different layer. Another tool i used was the test tool so that i could put my band name 'wackness' on the front and on the spine of my cover. I went on to pick a more interesting font and downloaded it to photoshop to use. It was called 'spiderfingers' and went well with my 'Rock' genre cover. I also used the selection tool and eraser to select and rub out certain parts that looked out of place. To finish off i adjusted the layer style and put an outer glow around my artist which made the orange paint stand out more and shine. I also used the paint brush to manually draw around him in orange. Below is my final piece.

Front Cover

Back Cover


  1. This is a very good account of your tutorial. Well done! I hope you continue to play around with Photoshop and find out some more of the interesting things it can do. Youtube is a great resource for additional tutorials.

    One comment I would make - check when you type in "I" its always a capital letter.

  2. Additionally the cover is very professionally executed with an excellent font. I would include a little bit about the photography tutorial itself.

  3. Very descriptive account of your work and the album cover looks very good as well. You might want to use some screen grabs from Photoshop to illustrate your point further?
    (be careful because there are a few times where you don't use a capital 'I' in your writing!)
