Monday, August 16, 2010

10. Vernallis' Theory

Vernallis theory:
The kindest cuts, functions and meanings in music video editing. She talks about the difference between pop videos and Hollywood Editing

Pop videos:

Uses continuity editing in small sections but also uses disequilibrium/counterpoint
Rules of continuity are purposely broke. E.g.: 180 degree rule.
Uses lots of motion, E.G. Dolly, tracking, and jump cuts
They are normally very dynamic.
Uses lots of angles and graphic matches
Close ups are essential within pop videos.

However Hollywood uses many different techniques:


Mostly uses continuity editing throughout which makes sure they follows rules such as the 180 degree rule.
Uses graphic matches, match on action and shot reverse shots to make the story clear
Motion is used but only when needed to create a mood or atmosphere because to much motion is undesirable
Uses lots of angles but they have a specific meaning to them unlike music videos.

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