Monday, October 18, 2010

Image Annotation

I want my band/artist to all look quite similar. I want them to wear black/dark skinny jeans with a black belt. I also want them to wear a black, grey, or white t-shirt with some sort of skull/pattern/design on it to make it look like a Rock bang. The band could mayb wear some mens braclets and a necklace which would also fit with the genre. Lastly i want them to have long, dark hair and to wear some sort of black trainers/shoes. With all the band members looking like this it will represent them as a Rock band together.

These photos are some examples of what the outfits should look like


  1. The photos give a clear idea of what you want your artists to look like - if you included a few sentences next to each photo it would show your ideas in context better.

  2. Very good entry. Comment above is valid.

  3. Good. I think you've got a very clear idea about the overall "image" you want your artist to have. Check your posts before you submit them - there are a few typos in this post.
