This mood board for our chosen genre shows that the genre consists mainly of bands that are made up from males. The colours used are mainly black and red to represent evil and the devil. These colours are used within the band members clothes, makeup and hair colour but also within the whole look to them, such as the backdrop at a concert will be black. It shows the bands instruments; that are mainly drums and electric guitars. The band members mainly have long, dark hair and wear dark colours (jeans, t-shirts, trainers). They also have lots of tattoos up their arms such as half sleeves etc. The music is played on Kerrang Radio as you can see from the logo. Head banging is used a lot at concerts and when performing to the heavy metal music as we can see from the bottom left picture. The overall general look is quite scruffy/casual unlike other genres such as pop and indie.
Mood board shows lots of examples, though your analysis could be more developed or linked to the conventions you identified earlier