Monday, January 31, 2011

Magazine Adverts

The above advertisement is set in to two parts. The top half is for one album and the bottom is for a different. The top part shows the audience who's album it is and what it is called. The whole left half of the top is taken up by the band name 'The Academy Is...' This is in red lights, like ones at bars/studios. The left hand side is in white bold font writing and just gives basic information about the album name, dates, and songs. The whole top half colors are black, white and red which are the typical rock genre colors.

The above advertisement for Arcade Fire is one of the simplest advertisements i have seen but one of the most effective. It uses black and white coloring and then the main image uses 'neon' colors which reflects the album name 'Neon Bible'. These neon colors make the image stand out and the audiences eyes to firstly focus on that. The white, simple writing state what new songs are on the album which would be previous number one hits which would instantly draw your attention if you liked them songs. It also advertises the different ways in which you can download the album and what date it will be available to buy. The black background instantly makes the white and neon colors stand out and represent the genre of rock.
The above magazine advertisement for 'The Horrors' is a good example of an 'Indie-Rock' band advertisement. The whole black and white theme throughout gives a dark, eerie feeling. The centre image of the five band members sitting on a sofa with blank expressions give the overall emotions for the band which is quite serious and straight rather than 'happy clappy'. Also their costumes are black and white which is the typical colors for that genre. The simple, block white writing to advertise the band name and album release date is simple but effective. There is also 4 reviews bottom center from different magazines which gives the album a positive overview before anyone has even brought it. They are only in small simple font but because the advert is quite simple anyway people will read them.